Eastern Europe & The Caucuses

The cities of Eastern Europe were once the capitals of the fabled Ottoman and Habsburg empires. Their modern resurgence brings past lavishness to life and yes, there really is a Transylvania of vampire fame!

Between the baroque beauty of Prague and the elaborate facades of Budapest and Krakow which were built to rival the architectural masterpieces of Vienna, you’ll find elegant little known cities like Cesky Krumlov and Bratislava.

Prague was once considered the heart of civilized Europe and is reclaiming its place as an elegant city of music, arts and opera as well as re-opening its famous black light theatres.

In Budapest, you can sample a traditional hot soak and massage amid the tiled pools and colonnades of the Szechenyi Baths and a Hungarian goulash with enough heat to straighten your hair!

Wonderful new hiking trails will introduce you to the Tatras Mountains and the scenic wonderland of Bulgaria’s Transylvanian Alps, where you can also take the scare-ometer test in Dracula’s Castle! Extraordinary accommodation ranges from camping to castles and everything in between.